Dear Journal,
Today I didn't go to church with mom because I just wanted to stay home and relax and personally, I didn't want to see that Tarter guy, I seem him like at least three times in one day. How dumb is that? He keeps bugging me to get baptized...what if I don't wanna?? Well my mom left and a few minutes later I realize that I would rather be with her than all alone in a house when it is raining really hard and thundering outside. Dang, why did I have to be so dumb? I thought it was gonna be fun all alone and time to catch up on my thinking but man is that boring and it didn't take me very long to get caught up but oh well. I turn on the TV to see if anything good is on, dang! nothing! So I flipped the channel to Discovery Channel there has got to be something interesting on that channel. On this show they had discovered a real haunted house, I tried my hardest to turn the channel, cuz I get scared really easily, but something was keeping me from doing so. The police never solved her murder, and now she has come back to haunt the place, doesn't it seem like that always happens? So anyway, the current occupants come across a stain on the wall but it is an outline of the victim. The stain is brownish red and if whoever sees it summons to touch it-like why would they? I wonder, but they do-it feels wet (Crutcher 37). So I keep watching and the daughter is up for a late night snack, a peanut butter sandwich, the shadowy figure starts to grow behind her, and the music starts to build. The daughter gets finished making her sandwich and the figure is really close to her when CRACK!! A lightning bolt hits really close to the house and I get up and start kickboxing because I think that some one's fingers are really close to my neck. I'm glad no one was home cuz that would have been EMBARRASSING!! Soon, a mouse crawls over my foot and I jump up and run out the back door and run for my dear life, as I am running down the street my feet are so cold that I don't even know that they are getting cut because of the sharp rocks on the road. Man, what a night!!
Eddie Proffit
What a great idea to make your blog into a journal entry. You did a really good job thinking like Eddie. I could definitely see him writing this. My favorite part was when you talked about how Eddie thought it would have been so embarrassing for someone to see him spazz out in front of the TV. I thought that was pretty funny. I also thought the part where he was mad at himself for not going with his mom was good to.
You did a great job!
Thanks, yeah I tried really hard to make it seem like I was really in his head and I kind of added my own words in it to make it funnier, because in general I think that Eddie is quite a funny guy. I had a fun time writing about how it would be embarrassing if someone saw him doing that in front of the TV I sure would have.
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