Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog Two

If there was a second book of The Sledding Hill, there would be different characters except for Eddie, he moved to the state that the story takes place in. He had to move because of his mom's work, he was totally bummed because he finally got Montana West to hang out with him. They would all be one year older than they were in the other book. It would basically be the same kind of problem except that the main character would be the age that Eddie was when he took on the school board, they would both be the main characters. Another difference would be that it wouldn't be about banning a book in the school district, it would be about a history film that had some great historical reference but it was rated PG-13 because of its bad language and had some drug and alcohol use in it. One of the parents would find out and want it banned because they don't want their son/daughter to watch that kind of stuff and think that it is okay because a movie star did it and it seemed like it was okay. They would go to the school board meeting and tell the school board that the movie is very educational and that they could just skip over those bad parts and then everyone would be happy. That was their plan, but the school board wouldn't think of it the same way. The kids email the writer of the movie and ask them to come down and talk to the school board and say why the movie is such a great historical reference and that he was just trying to be realistic. You can't write a historical movie and not have some bad language and some drug and alcohol abuse because that is what would actually happen back then.


Anonymous said...

I loved your blog. You showed great points in it. The best part was how you made the sequel be about a movie instead of a book. That makes it more realistic. I think it is cool how you said that the movie had historical references in it because normally kids don’t like those movies as well. You should have said what Reverend Tarter would have done because that would have made it funny. GREAT JOB!!!

Basketballfrk23 said...

Ya I would have wanted to watch a long movie instead of read a long book because according to Mr. Bachman's thing I am an audio learner, and so I pay attention more when they say something out loud, but yeah. I would have done something about Reverend Tarter but I said that Eddie moved and it would be kind of weird that Tarter followed him.

Edgar Jananaesropbx said...

I could really see this happen to the book and become a sequel. I agree with you, but instead of a movie that they are going to watchMake it be a Slideshow by one of the teachers or students and, it have something affending some religous group, and be another banning, and obviously the church and the society win. But also, the kids will hate the priest, again. I loved your blog and it was very cool, nice job and keep up the great work.

Basketballfrk23 said...

Thanks for the appreciation on my blog. Well Eddie moved so it wouldn't be the same priest, but i guess there can be another priest who won't let them read the book. I still think that it should still be a movie not a stupid presentation what are you thinking, come on?! Just kidding, thanks again!!!